Since then, the class has been working hard at
completing their deliverables for the City of Cambridge. They have been
attending community meetings, visiting neighbourhood organizations and Business
Improvement Areas, visiting the Cambridge archives and completing their
property data assessment forms for the commercial and industrial buildings they
have chosen to assess.
As a new addition to the course this semester,
CUSP collaborated with Ada Sharpe’s class (ENG206 Writing for Business) class
for a mutual learning opportunity. The CUSP groups sent drafts of their
outreach materials to the English class and they provided copy editing of the
documents and gave helpful feedback to the groups. Both sets of students
learned a lot during this exercise.
On March 7, the class went back to the
Cambridge City Hall to give pilot presentations to the City representatives,
April Souwand and Laura Waldie. The students showed that they have been working
hard and provided a snapshot of what we will see for their final community
presentations. They received excellent feedback from the City that they will be
able to use to refine their final deliverables and final community presentation
on March 28.