Friday, November 17, 2017

Getting to know Preston and more

Things are starting to come together for the CUSP class as the term heads to a close. The students have spent the past few weeks learning the skills necessary to build a response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) from the City of Cambridge.
Bernhardt Block, Preston

On October 25, we had Eric Davis come in and speak to the students about the RFP and the process of adding buildings to a heritage register. He is a lawyer from Miller Thompson, LLP that specializes in municipal matters. He expressed that he thought this project was a huge undertaking for the students and gave them concrete advice on how best to streamline the process. Eric reminded the students to keep their audience in mind when presenting the information to ensure they have the most impact. The student came out with some valuable, real world knowledge on how to work best with municipalities.

In the November 1st class, the students had a workshop with Dana Lavoie, an Employment Equity and AODA Officer from the Laurier Diversity and Equity office. A requirement of the students deliverables this year are that the documents are Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliant. An example of what this entails is that the text of any documents prepared must be organized in a specific way so that devices like screen readers can access the document. The students not only learned this for their proposals and final deliverables, they also came out with a marketable skill for their CVs.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Getting to know Galt, and heritage planning.

The CUSP class has had a few busy weeks of preparation for their proposals. The teams are well on their way to responding to the City of Cambridge’s RFP.

On October 4th, the class took a field trip to Galt to meet with City planners and to tour the study area. While the afternoon started off with a downpour, it ended up being a really informative visit. Dr. Sharpe led the students on a walking tour that passed by some key industrial and commercial properties that are being considered as additions to the Heritage Register.  Many of the students have little experience in Cambridge, so this tour allowed them to get to know the area and visualize what they will be working towards.

photo by Laine Young
Galt walking tour

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Setting the Stage

During the CUSP class on September 20th, we were fortunate to have retired professional planner and Laurier graduate, Paul Puopolo, from Polocorp, a local integrated land development company, come to speak to the class. He spoke about ‘Places to Grow', the growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe area, and what the implications are when planning for development of  heritage buildings. Paul stressed the importance of working with the Ontario Municipal Board  when there are development disputes. In addition to other valuable information he gave to the class, he recommended that they communicate with local stakeholders throughout the process and that they ensure their proposals are innovative and creative. 

Paul Puopolo

In the second half of the class, we worked further on our group development process. The students filled out leadership inventory forms to let the instructors know their individual leadership style that would be valuable to their consulting team. We also asked the students to consider what they were looking for in a group member and we had a group interview process where each student was able to talk with their classmates and determine who they would work well with. This was very helpful in formulating groups that are not only well balanced in terms of skills, but also have greater potential to be harmonious. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

CUSP Students Dive Right into Work

This year’s Capstone Urban Sustainability Project (CUSP) is off to a good start with a bright and lively class of students and exciting new features to the course (GG465). For the first class students started getting to know each other, were introduced to research journal writing, and engaged in their first team-building exercise.

While the students might not have known exactly what to expect coming into the class, they left with a promise of a kind of learning they have never experienced before. The students will be forming consulting teams and responding to a real Request for Proposals from the City of Cambridge. Because the class will be working in a group for a full year, the course began with time spent getting to know each other through peer interviews and team activities. The consulting groups will be solving real problems for the City of Cambridge and gaining the kind of experiential learning that is exclusive to the C3 Innovation Labs (C3IL), a multidisciplinary partnership within the Laurier Faculty of Arts.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Laurier student projects outline adaptive reuse for underutilized places of worship in Cambridge

WATERLOO – As part of a course competition for Wilfrid Laurier University’s Capstone Urban Studies Project (CUSP), a team of Geography and Environmental Studies students was awarded first prize by the City of Cambridge for their recommendation to adaptively reuse underutilized space within the Central Presbyterian Church in Galt.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Making it Work

First-year PhD student Laine Young finds common ground as an undergraduate teaching assistant.

"When Laine Young, a first-year PhD student in the Waterloo-Laurier Geography Graduate Program, was looking for a teaching assistant opportunity that aligned with her specialization in Human Geography, she didn’t expect to find one that also drew on the skills she developed in her undergraduate and masters-level social work degrees. That is until she found Laurier’s fourth-year Capstone Urban Studies Project (CUSP) course, which contains a unique community-engagement element."

For the full story go to:  Laurier News Story, May 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

City of Cambridge posts CUSP presentations and final reports

"The City of Cambridge has developed a partnership with Wilfrid Laurier University to assist in a capstone program with the Geography department. This capstone program provides students with an opportunity to respond to local Planning issue and act as a consultant for the City. The students research and provide recommendations in response to a City identified project. The 2017 Capstone course was focused on the Adaptive Reuse of underutilized Places of Worship."

To read the students' final reports and presentations please point your browser to:
Planning Partnerships > Wilfrid Laurier University Capstone Program  

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CUSP 2017 - Adaptive Reuse and Places of Worship in Galt

For the CUSP of 2017 the City of Cambridge invited students from Laurier to investigate opportunities for the adaptive reuse of existing places of worship in Galt City Centre.   Across the City of Cambridge places of worship are seeing declining memberships, a decrease in donations and increased operational costs as their buildings age.  In this project students provided the City and four places of worship in the downtown with an assessment of their options and how to achieve them.  Working in four consulting teams the students undertook the research followed by community presentations and a final report submitted in April.

Here are the cover pages for the 2017 CUSP final reports.